
New parents —
we get you.

And we’ve got you.


In the whirlwind of pregnancy and your baby’s first year of life, you need someone on your team.

Someone who jumps in to share the load before you’re completely exhausted.

Someone unfazed by all the bodily functions and fluids that come with the territory.

Someone knowledgeable who answers all your questions without bias.

Someone who enthusiastically supports your pregnancy and parenting choices.

Someone with a listening ear and a comforting presence who can help you process the big emotions of pregnancy and postpartum.


Can we be that someone for you?

At Pathfinder Doulas, we have the training and expertise to guide you through a confident pregnancy, and a peaceful first year of parenting.

Here’s how we can help.


Prenatal Preparation

  • Ready to nest, but feeling overwhelmed? We can help organize your home before baby’s arrival.

  • Our Infant Feeding 101 and Ready To Grow classes are designed to build your skills, and confidence, as new parents. These are both offered virtually or in-person at your home. Ask all your questions — no filter needed!


Postpartum Support

Helping families gain confidence and thrive during the postpartum period is our speciality! There are so many ways we accomplish this goal during the time we spend with you.

We nurture the birthing parent as they recover, both physically and emotionally.

We help parents support their baby’s adjustment to life outside the womb. Who knew it could be so challenging to get someone to eat and sleep?!

Whatever your feeding choice, we have the experience to assist.

We pitch in to keep your household running smoothly, and give you more time to bond with your baby.

Not to mention, we are your personal Google for all your “is this normal?” moments, we are your sounding board, we are your extra pair of hands, we are your secret weapon for getting that clean laundry into the dryer, and we will make sure that you eat, too.

Let’s team up!
Call or text (910) 915-4660